Monday, 6 July 2015

Premium craft beers contintue growth

Cask beer continues to buck the downward trend for the rest of the beer market by continuing to grow the amount sold in volume.  In particular it is the premium cask market (ales over 4.1% ABV) that is holding out the strongest both on sales and price.

Latest figures for the first quarter of 2015 show that premium cask had sales up by 1.7% in January, 5.1% in February and 1.8% in March.

This info graphic also shows that Premium craft beer is now the leader on price having over taken premium international beer as the most expensive beer product.  Interesting that craft keg leads craft cask for all those microbreweries out there looking to maximise their returns and profits.

The figures are all taken from the British Beer and Pub Association Barrelage Survey.

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