Friday 21 October 2016

Brewery for sale - Devon

The owners of Big Rabbit Brewery are offering for sale their award winning 12 barrel brewery, complete with an estate of plastic casks and established beer brands with recipes . Big Rabbit Brew was established 2 years ago to complement our cider business and has been successful in gaining listings with several wholesalers and pubcos, and has also been well received in many freehouses.

It has however been somewhat neglected in comparison with their cider business and so they have decided to sell Big Rabbit to concentrate solely on cider. Big Rabbit is priced to reflect that it comes with no good will or order book,  however details of past wholesale listings will be provided on request, and the new owner will be formally introduced. Also, any  reorders or enquiries will be passed on.

Big Rabbit is a ready made microbrewery with an existing reputation, winning a YOURROUND best new brewer award, and having had successful listings with it range of cask ales. Then brewery could be taken on as a new enterprise, or by an existing brewer looking for larger kit who could run the Big Rabbit brands in conjunction with their own.

For full details of the brewery for sale have a look at the PDF.

More details 

Hot Liquor Tank is circa 2300 litre HLT fitted with three 18 KW elements

Insulated mash tun capable of holding 450 kgs of malt

2000 litre copper with 4 18kw elements

2 time 1300 litre 'half brew' ferments with a glcol remote chiller

200 plastic casks 

The essential thing when looking at being able to purchase a brewery is being able to access brewery finance.  This will give you the economic fire power to make your brewing dream a reality.


For more info or to make an offer email: 

Beer brewing courses - how to set up your own microbrewery?

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